Sunday, July 5, 2015

Where did the last few weeks go?

Wow, I bet you all think that I disappeared on you! It's been a crazy busy couple of weeks. At the end of each day I pretty much just fall into bed and pass out. I wake up the next day just to begin it all over. Thus is the life of a library worker. This is the summer season and the busiest 10 weeks of my entire year!

I feel as if I have abandoned my lovely books that I want to read. I promise soon I will return to them! My Nook is full of the promise of far away adventures. I've got a hard copy of Grey calling my name too.

As of right now there are three more weeks of summer reading left. I'm nervous about this week. I'm not sure how it's going to go. I have no performer this week. I have invited out several local agencies to come and show off their vehicles and tools of their trade to my kids of summer. I hope it goes off well, ice never done this before and I'm not sure it's organized well, but we shall see.

Here are a few pics from my last few weeks!

 I took this photo of my ever so photogenic kiddos today. They drive me crazy, but I love them!

 Thursday I took a day off work and my neighbor decided we needed to see Magic Mike XXL, I didn't fight it! This one was so much better than the first one! This was like a guy buddy movie, but made for girls! It was HOT!

I am announcing a slumber party for our patrons stuffed animals this week. These are our mascots: pig the cow and cow the pig!

 Fourth of July obviously!

 I had a spider guy come in to the library. I called this program "Face Your Fears!" The kids loved it! The response to this program was amazing! I'm in the background ready to hit the door!

The kids enjoying the spider!

My co-worker is enthralled by them!

 My daughter getting her pic with Ronald McDonald. He had nothing to do with our summer theme, but he is free so he's always worth it!

A few weeks ago I did my first Foam Glow 5K. It was fun, but I wasn't impressed. These are some of my favorite people pictured here!

What have you been up to? Let me know in the comments below! Happy summer y'all!

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